Friday, September 21, 2007

Zeitgeist: the movie

Ok, first of all I do not intend for this site to be a crazy conspiratorial blog run by a left wing nut job. I may be left wing but I do not like to think of myself as a "nut job." At least on most days. Second, I was sent this video by friend of mine and finding myself with a bit of free time, I watched it. On the whole, it is quite terrifying. The conclusions the film draws about Christianity are, to a large extent, views I've held for several years now. With any knowledge of the history of the world, the views that the Bible is simply borrowed from many long established religions - most pagan - is easy to see. Approach the next part of the film with caution. I find all the facts very interesting and easy to buy in to. However, I'm sure I could also view a film with exactly the opposite viewpoint and believe that too. I also have done absolutely no research for myself. I simply present this to you to hear your comments on this. Truth? Fiction? Crazy? You decide.


It seems that much like the Iraqi congress I have decided to take some time off lately. I didn't want to be that blog with this kind of post on it but it seems I have. And some new comments have been added (thanks ted) so it seems their is at least someone out there who actually reads this. I am notoriously busy but always find time to rant about this administration and will begin to continue to do so again. Keep commenting all!