Friday, June 29, 2007

Issues: Abortion

The conservative stance on abortion is one of the most confusing and most backwards of what they stand for. And you could actually say that I am the most pro-life person there is. If it is life it should not be killed. Let me explain.

Conservatives have turned the debate over abortion and stem cell research into some kind of murder trial as if we are just harvesting babies to then slaughter. A sperm cell is not a person. Neither is an ovum. When they meet they have the potential to create a person but there is still a long way to go before a person is created. The DNA instructions are there but parts of a thing do not make up a thing. Is a foot a person? Is a spine a person? No, they are parts of a human being but not actually a human being. So therefore, an embryo is not a person. Abortion is moral.

Why the conservatives are so wrong about their pro life stance is that they have absolutely no problem killing innocent lives, and unquestionably life, in war. And also have no problem with the death penalty that may have carried out executions of potentially innocent people. I do not believe that a person should ever have to suffer death as a punishment for someone else's decision. So I am pro life. But an embryo up to a certain point is not a person so can ethically be terminated before full gestation.

One major problem with abortion being illegal is the growing number of unhappy and therefore bad parents. This leads to poor performances from children - our future adults. This also leads to a growth in foster children - something very much unnecessary in our already bursting foster care facilities. Be reasonable. For those who say it will emotionally scare the mother to have an abortion I say, "Oh well at least you didn't harm two people in the process." One injury is better than two last time I checked. Of course the best option is for no injury. Therefore, abstinance education and safe sex practice is essential for young people.

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