Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Old, Hairy, White Men...

...and a woman and a black dude. But still old. And hairy. These are who we have to pick from in our next presidential election. I haven't been all that interested in the debates and candidates until recently. I frankly find it a bit lethargic this early. But then I realized the hope that some of these folks offer for the future of America. And suddenly I feel optimistic for the first time in six years. I will be researching the candidates over the course of the year and posting my analysis of each right here. I believe that Americans are desperate for some of kind of change to their country so the winner will reflect this. Not to say it will be Madam President or Jesus Obama - too much change too soon. America won't have any part of that. But they'll stll get their profile and analysis. In the end I will pick the candidate that will be right for correcting the future of the United States not to make me selfishly happy. Hell, I supported Carol Mosely Braun. But that wasn't going to happen. The first profile will be up shortly.

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