Sunday, August 12, 2007

Iowa Straw Poll Results

This really says nothing since Giuliani and McCain didn't participate for some reason but I feel it should be posted here anyways. Here's the results:

Mitt Romney: 31.5%
Mike Huckabee: 18.1%
Sam Brownback: 15.3%
Tom Tancredo: 13.7%
Ron Paul: 9.1%
Tommy Thompson: 7.3%
Fred Thompson: 1.4%
Rudy Giuliani: 1.3%
Duncan Hunter: 1.2%
John McCain: 1%
John Cox: .1%


Ted said...

Only because Romney had enough money to bring the people in and buy their votes.

The Presidnet isn't elected, he buys his/her way in now a days.
Number of Operations Iraq Freedom and Enduring Freedom casualties
as confirmed by U.S. Central Command: 4198

Anonymous said...

True ted. I do think some of the conservative crazies out there really have some kind of man crush on this guy as well though. A lot of people see right past his wife-beating, cynically smiling, I'm-better-than-all-of-you attitude and somehow see a decent human being.