Sunday, July 29, 2007

Candidate Response (kind of)

Forgive the lower frequency of posts for the past few days. I have been away.

While away, I received one message back from the candidates regarding my question about fear to live in the US. Well, actually from one of the "volunteers" from the Ron Paul campaign. Not much. But for what it's worth here's the message:

Thanks for your note. I can't speak for Dr. Paul, but I myself don't feel
safer with my civil liberties eroded they way they have been under the Bush

Yours in liberty,
Matt G. -- Volunteer
Ron Paul 2008

I have somewhat enjoyed Paul's campaign for his desire to hold the Bush administration accoutable for their criminal actions, as this statement suggests. I imagine Paul would not let a volunteer from his campaign stray too far from his point of view as well. In all other aspects, however, Ron Paul is crazy. The amount of change he proposes is absurd and frankly bogus. But he will not receive a nomination any time soon so we won't have to worry. Unless he ends up on the Libertarian ticket or something. But then we still won't have to worry I suppose.

Thanks "Matt G" for the response.


james1844 said...


Thanks for mentioning Ron Paul. To suggest that the Amount of change Ron Paul suggests is bogus seems somewhat off the mark.

In the 1980s Reagan proposed essentially the same platform as did Goldwater.

If we cut the federal income tax to zero, we could reduce our governments level of spending to levels seen in 1997.

Do you really think that cutting spending levels back to their 1997 level is radical?

Seriously, Paul is the real deal. I'd check out his platform more seriously. If you take a hard look at the the guy, you'll like what you see.



Randy said...

The changes he is promoting would take generations, by hos own accord. In the short term he wants to undo all the Executive orders and bring the troops home.

Scary stuff? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

There would be begin a phasing-out period of several decades under a Paul Administration. Dr. Paul has stated and written clearly on this. Those who have become dependent on government cannot simply be cut off.

Anonymous said...

How do you feel about the United Nations being your new government? Do you like paying global taxes and competing for US jobs with Mexicans and Canadians? Do you want to be a corporate slave with no real legal rights?

Then vote for someone other than Ron Paul. If that's what you want, then go vote for it and stop screwing around, posting crap on the Intertubes.

Anonymous said...

Wow. This guy has generated quite a following. I just posted this and already have 4 comments. I completely admit that my knowledge of Ron Paul is not great and it seems I will have to research him more. I thank james, randy, and anonymous for your comments.