Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Candidates: Bill Richardson

I thought I would take a quick look at my new favorite candidate - Bill Richardson. Not because I think he will get the nomination but because I think he might get the VP nom. So here's just a few things I found.

He wants OUT of Iraq NOW! Even by the end of this year while Dubya's still in charge. Wow. Good luck. But I'm completely behind you on that. Richardson thinks the money being wasted over there would be better spent on domestic issues. Sense? What?

Climate Change prevention? Check. He did it already in New Mexico by making it a "Clean Energy State." Don't know what that means entirely but it sounds pretty good to me.

Pro-Choice? Yep.

Equal Rights? He's got that too folks.

I am a little confused by Richardson's Health Care Plan. You can read it for yourself here http://www.richardsonforpresident.com/issues/healthcare. Key words here is "affordable" health care. I believe the States could achieve what every other industrialized nation has and have universal, free health care for all. So we differ a bit here. However, there is no question that this plan is better than we have now. But then, better than what we have now on anything is not hard to achieve.

And, lastly, from his website:

This administration’s lack of realism has led us to a dangerous place. We need to take a different path. A path based on reality, not unilateralist illusions. A path that understands that the gravest dangers that threaten us today do not threaten only us – and that therefore to pursue our national interest and meet these challenges we must work with our friends, our enemies, and everyone in between. This is a path not of hard words, but of hard work. A path of moral strength, not pious judgments. A path of strong diplomacy, backed up by a strong military and strong alliances. This is the path of American leadership.


Chance of Nomination: 10%

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