Thursday, July 5, 2007

Candidates: Barack Obama

So here’s the deal on Obama. I don’t like him. From his first introduction into the world of politics I haven’t liked him. And I didn’t know anything about his politics. The reasoning goes like this: He thinks he’s Jesus. Just watch him. He’s worshipped by people who are worshipped – Oprah for example. (There’s another rant I could make.) Do you remember that video of Obama “returning to his homeland?” Pathetic. And what continues to irritate me about Obama is that he is continually referred to as “black” and even uses this adjective himself. But Obama is NOT black. He is of mixed ethnicities. Clearly, there’s nothing wrong with either of these things but being 50% black and 50% white is not black. And I don’t see him making any tearful homecomings to Europe. It is no reason to not vote for Obama but his constant desire to prove how good he is and what odds he has overcome are beyond annoying.

Not surprisingly, Obama’s major issue seems to be fighting domestic poverty. Wait? A domestic issue being a priority? How strange that we would deal with our own problems before attacking another country to tell them how to run the country. I love this priority of his. He has a desire to create a better life for the less fortunate with a series of initiatives including universal health care. (I highly recommend Michael Moore’s Sicko to illuminate this problem.)

Obama has plans for fixing Dubya’s mess in the Middle East. Not because he wants to but because he has to. Obama’s website says:

At the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations in November 2005, Senator Obama called for: (1) a reduction in the number of U.S. troops; (2) a time frame for a phased withdrawal; (3) the Iraqi government to make progress on forming a political solution; (4) improved reconstruction efforts to restore basic services in Iraq; and (5) engaging the international community, particularly key neighboring states and Arab nations, to become more involved in Iraq.

Okay. I agree with that too. Why do I hate this guy? Oh yeah, the Jesus thing.

Obama also defines what he would like to do about Global Climate Change. In response to this Obama says:

We need to take steps to stop catastrophic, manmade climate change. If we do not act, the consequences will be devastating for future generations, especially for the poorest global populations. Barack Obama believes the U.S. must act decisively and creatively to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change.

Obama is an original cosponsor of legislation to establish limits on greenhouse gas emissions. To remain below these limits, the bill encourages the market to determine how best to reduce greenhouse gases, rewarding cost-effective approaches through a system of tradeable allowances. Revenues generated from this program will be directed to helping industries and individuals most affected by the limits, and also to fund research and development of new, more efficient, energy technologies

Obama’s stance on illegal immigration is not in line with mine. I see no problems with undocumented workers doing our dirty work to make a buck for their families. But nonetheless I understand some possible problems with that. Obama’s plan seems downright conservative. But at least he doesn’t really want to kick them out, just have them “pay a fine, learn English, not commit crimes, go to the back of the line for citizenship, and then after all those conditions are met, they would be granted the opportunity to stay in the United States.” I’ll live with it but I don’t agree. 3 for 1.

Another thing I like about Obama is his desire to hold the Bush administration accountable for their criminality. He also has a strong desire to get rid of the political divide in America and have a more open, reasonable government. I really doubt Obama will get on the Democratic ticket. At least as president. He may end up a VP. Because, as I have expressed, I believe Americans are desperate for change. But just a little bit. Not the whole pie at once. Just a slice. Obama is probably about 3 slices. And it is probably for the better. The issues are all there. I support many of them. I just don’t think I can handle the ego of Obama. But we shall see.

50% chance of getting the nomination

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